CLIENT : CI-ENERGIES | PERIOD: May to September 2019 |
FUNDING : CI-ENERGIES / African Development Bank (ADB) | COUNTRY: Ivory Coast |
Implementing the Rural Electricity Access Improvement Project (PAEMIR), CI-ENERGIES has entrusted BPL, the realization of an environmental and social impact assessment (CIES) and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the rural electrification project of 426 localities in Ivory Coast in the regions of PORO – TCHOLOGO – BAGOUE – WORODOUGOU – BERE – BAFING – BOUKANI – GONTOUGO.
The services provided by the consultant under this assignment include :
- Identification of existing sensitive elements in the project environment;
- Determination of project activities likely to have an impact on the environment;
- Collecting the opinions of project stakeholders and the expectations and concerns of the populations likely to be affected;
- Conducting community consultations and public consultations;
- Identifying, analyzing and evaluating the significance of potential impacts of the project;
- The proposal of recommendations for the mitigation of negative impacts and the improvement of positive impacts;
- The preparation of an ESIA report and the development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP);
- The realization of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) report.