Our geographical footprint
We are very proud to have our footprint in the following countries, either through our own or through our acquisitions of companies:
In Africa: Ivory Coast, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Comoros, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Lesotho, Angola, Ghana, Guinea
Worldwide: France, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Hungary, Panama

Head office and representations

Ivory Coast
Head office
Abidjan, Cocody, II Plateaux Angré 7eme Tranche,
27 BP 813 Abidjan 27,
Tel. : +225 27 22 54 40 69,
Email: bpl@bpl-sa.com, www.bpl-sa.com

Republic of Mali
ACI 2000 Bamako, Immeuble GAMBILA
Email: bpl@bpl-sa.com

Republic of Congo and DRC
Email: ezekielk@bpl-sa.com

Central African Republic
Email: bpl@bpl-sa.com; guyy@bpl-sa.com

United Kingdom and European Union
Marketing advisor, communication and partnerships
Email : yannickk@bpl-sa.com